Medicine for Empaths
Ever since I was a child, I always knew I felt other people’s emotions very clearly. However, I thought this was a normal experience everyone had, to fully understand how someone felt as if they were your own. So it didn’t cross my mind that this full knowing of other’s feelings was actually a special gift that not everyone had. I remember as a child, I would always feel so angry but I couldn’t explain why; now, as I have learned in the last few years that I am empathic, I realized what I experienced was an overloaded of other people’s emotions.
It wasn’t until my spontaneous kundalini awakening did my empathic abilities heightened tenfold. During my awakening, it unlocked my heart chakra and I began to really feel other people’s emotions to the point where I was completely consumed by it. I became scared of leaving my apartment, commuting to work, or interacting with people especially strangers. I realized that after my kundalini awakening, it unblocked my heart center, which I had unconsciously closed sometime during my childhood as a way to cope with all these emotions to the point where I became disconnected to others and myself. Living a life of pain and enduring it without ever processing these emotions, I didn’t know I could experience something greater. After my awakening, I suddenly had to face my past, all of my trauma while navigating a world that became hypersensitive for me.
Over the years, I learned how to manage my empathic abilities. Through my newly heightened intuitive abilities, I became aware of how energies run by feeling it and drawing them out. What I have learned is that empaths tend to run their energies high in their crown chakra and heart chakra but very low energy in their first three chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus). It is important to keep all of your chakras strong but especially true with your root, as an empath need to anchor ourselves into the physical world; whereas connecting to the heart and crown, while having a severe imbalance in your root, can cause you to energetically leave your body. Therefore leaving you unattached to your body, feeling dissociated, and constantly fatigued. And I would also like to emphasize how important it is to exercise your solar plexus as a way for empaths to become selfish, as we tend to prioritize other people’s feelings and well being over our own—if we want to do any kind of justice in the world, we must serve ourselves first.
How do we do that? Many of you will NOT like this. But it is through rigorous exercise. What exercise does is that it stimulates the chakras and organs which govern our emotions and thought patterns. It releases what is stored, old narratives that do not serve us, and it literally cleanses the body. After going through an intense Dark Night of the Soul, getting grounded again was incredibly, I mean incredibly hard. But after three months of consistent weight training and cardio 3-5 times a week, I was able to ground myself. What actually surprised me was that through strengthening my lower chakras, strengthened my intuitive abilities. It allowed me access higher knowledge, I was better able to pace myself, make healthier decisions based on information I was receiving, and become more inside my body while interacting with people. I wasn’t giving my energy away. I was able to claim my own power and be a part of the world. That was HUGE. And you can as well. If doing a rigorous exercise right now seems like a big leap, try researching Qigong on Youtube or look up Donna Eden Energy Medicine for a comprehensive techniques to rewire your energetic system. And please do not be so hard on yourself while you step into your power, just by you having the thought to change is TREMENDOUS. Take everything one step at a time and soon you will become an empowered empath.